The control and supervision of pile driving is a way to gather relevant information in the context of a project. This type of control enables a follow-up on the progress and development of the pile installation, in order to ensure that the requirements are respected. The use of a pile driving logbook from the beginning of the project is helpful for recording the date of initial pile driving or the restrike, identifying driven piles, recording the physical characteristics of the piles (diameter, thickness of the wall, length of the pile and pile inclination), as well as the characteristics of the location. A Visual inspection of the structural integrity inside the piles is also carried out when closed ended steel pipe piles are used. In addition, the control and follow-up of the refusal criterion, that was established at the time of the dynamic load tests provides information that the design engineer must receive periodically in order to make the suggestions and corrections necessary to the smooth functioning of the operations.
Conventional static load testing – whether by axial compression load, axial tensile load or lateral load – is also used to ensure the quality of deep foundations. Depending on the requirements and necessary information, different methods of loading can be used. Loading methods most commonly used are step-by-step or cyclical, in compliance with current ASTM standards. During the supervision of these tests, the information concerning the loads applied and the movement of the pile, depending on the requirements, are transmitted to the design engineer so he or she is able to understand the behavior of the pile in response to the loadsimposed on it.
The supervision and control of load testing carried out on anchor rods is based on the same principle as the static axial tensile load testing. During supervision of these tests, the information concerning the loads that are applied as well as the deformation of the rods, according to the requirements, are transmitted to the design engineer so he or she is able to understand the behavior of the objects in response to the strain imposed.
Training and consultation
The expertise of PDA CONSULTANTS INC. enables our engineers to provide specific training or consultation in the field of quality control of deep foundations, for our clients and various government organizations.
PDA CONSULTANTS INC. offers presentations on topics related to deep foundations according to your needs. Whether it be about dynamic analysis of pile driving, cross-hole sonic integrity testing or supervision of operations, we can provide what you are looking for.
Contact us today to benefit from our services.